魏: Wei,a state in the Zhou Dyna ...斯: this视力: vision; sight; visus; seeing ...标: Rockwell A scale型: mould; model魏斯视力试标型: weiss test type视力标型: test letter; test type; test-letter; test-type朗多视力标型: landolt test type普雷视力标型: pray test type视力标型试验: test-letter test阅读视力标型: reading test-type布耶鲁姆视力标型: bjerrum test type耶格近距视力标型: jaeger tes-type远距离视力标型: distance test-type耶格近距视力标型3等: j1 j2 j3 etc. jaeger test type number 1 2 3 etc耶格近距视力标型1、2、3等: j1,j2,j3,etc; jaeger test type number 1,2,3,etc朗多视力试标型: landolt test type远距离视力试标型: distance test-type阅读视力试标型: reading test-type魏斯: marquis wen of wei; vais; veiss; veisz; waiss; wajs; weihs; weiss; weisz视力: vision; sight; visus; seeing; opto- 视力检查 a test of vision; 健全的视力 a sane vision; 这位老人视力不好。 the old man's vision is poor. 大量读书损害了他的视力。 much reading has impaired his vision标型的: typomorphic标型符号: type symbol标型矿物: guide mineral; typical mineral; typomorphic mineral标型矿物学: topomineralogy