On april 14th sichuan university announced that it would investigate claims that its vice - president , yuquan wei , fabricated data in two publications on immunology 4月14日,四川大学称将调查其副校长魏于全在免疫学刊物中发表的论文涉嫌造假的问题。
魏: Wei,a state in the Zhou Dyna ...全: complete处于全盛期: be in full swing关于全体的: ghenerala适于全般: blanket濒于全面失败: on the verge of complete failure处于全盛时期: in the pride of慢于全速的球: let-up pitch属于全民所有: belong to the whole people处于全击发状态: at full cock; on full cock; on half cock关于全球合约的联合声明: joint statement on the global compact科学的进步有助于全人类: advances in science help all humanity英国在都铎王朝时代处于全盛期: england flourished under the tudors急性巨幼红细胞性贫血继发于全胃肠外营养: acute megaloblastic anemia secondary to total parenteral nutrition平均每束光线中用于全局光照的光子数量: average gi photons per light团此次采用的调查评比依赖于全球新电子商务: gnei用于全部用户的替补协议选择菜单文件格式: hxm procomm plus魏玉明: wei yuming魏友华: wei youhua魏玉英: wei yuying魏悠: villot frédéric魏育生: yusheng wei魏勇: wei yong魏元帝: cáo huàn魏永祥: yong-xiang wei魏源: wei yuan