His red whiskers were dyed of a purple hue . 他的红髯子染成了紫色。
He stroked his beautiful white beard, and smiled faintly . 他捋了一把他那美丽的白髯,淡淡地笑了一笑。
Billali rose upon his knees with astonishing alacrity, bowed his head thrice, and his white beard sweeping the ground, crawled down the apartment as he had crawled up it . 彼拉里惊喜交集,磕头三次后,便象进来时一样白髯拂地地爬了出去。
My lord steyne, with garter and ribbon, with a bald head and shining eyes, and a collar of red whiskers round his face, always looked grand upon an occasion of state . 斯丹恩勋爵挂着嘉德勋章和绶带,加上他的秃脑瓜,那对目光炯炯的眼睛,脸膛周围那一圈火红的鬓髯,在这个隆重的场合,格外显得威风凛凛。
Evaluation of cultivars of tall bearded 高型有髯鸢尾品种综合评价
髯长须(鱼丹): esomus barbatus髦丘: scarp髯飞鼠: whiskered flying squirrel髦: 名词[书面语]1.(毛中的长毫) fine long hair2.(古代称幼儿垂在前额的短头发) children's bangs3.(马鬃) horse's mane4.(螳螂) mantis髯蜂鸟: bearded helmetcrest髡刑治军: cao-cao's tricks for strict laws髯狗: schnauzer髡盛: kun sheng髯海豹: bearded seal髡残: kun can