Single elderly persons priority scheme 高龄单身人士优先配屋计划
An elderly person who prefers to live alone can apply under the single elderly persons priority scheme and be allocated a public rental unit within three years 长者若选择独居,可根据高龄单身人士优先配屋计划申请配屋,并可在三年内获配租住公屋单位。
An elderly person who prefers to live away from the family can apply for a housing for senior citizens unit or a self - contained flat under the single elderly persons priority scheme , and will be allocated a public rental unit within two or four years respectively 高龄人士若选择独自居住,可申请长者住屋单位或根据高龄单身人士优先配屋计划申请有独立设备的单位,并会分别于两年或四年内获配租住公屋单位。