高速: high speed; high velocity; h ...感光: sensitization; photoreceptio ...胶片: film; cartridge; photographi ...超速感光胶片: hypersensitized film中速感光胶片: medium speed film特高速感光无屏蔽胶片: extra-fast no-screen film感光胶片: light-sensitive film; photographic film; photose itive film; photosensitive film; sensitive film高感光胶片: se itive film; sensitive film光感光胶片: roentgen films sensitized but not exposed快感光胶片: speed film红外感光胶片: infrared film; infrared-sensitive film感光胶片材料商店: sensitive film materials shop红外线感光胶片: infrared film; infrared sensitive film感光胶: s-68光胶片: x-ray photogram x; x-ray photograph x快速感光片: fast film感光胶片冲洗过程中抗划伤力测定方法: method for determining the resistance of photographic films to abrasion during processing感光胶层: substrate感光胶卷: se itive film; sensitive film感光胶膜: dry film resist; dry-film resist感光胶粘剂: sensitive adhesives丝网感光胶: silkscreenphotosensitiveemulsion印染感光胶: se itive glue used for printing and dyeing; sensitive glue used for printing and dyeingx光胶片: x ray film; x-ray filmx光胶片箱: x-ray film box