高速: high speed; high velocity; h ...光学: optics; photology; photics开关: Q-switching光学开关: optical switch; switch, optical集光学开关: integrated optical switch薄膜光学开关: thin film optical switch集成光学开关: integrated optical switch精密高速光学车床: precision eed optical lathe; precision high speed optical lathe; precision speed optical lathe高速光度计: high speed photometer; high-speedphotometer高速光闸: high-speed still shutter高速光纤链路: high-speed optical fiber link高速光栅摄影: high speed raster photography甚高速光环路: vhsol very high speed optic loop高速光传送网络: hsotn high-speed optical transfer network高速光电探测器: high-speed photodetector; high-speedphotodetector量子力学开关电路: quantum mechanical commutation circuit快速光学扫描检选器: flying spot sorter and scanner高速分光学: high-speed spectroscopy高速断开关: highspeedpapermachine高速开关: high speed-optical switch; quick switch qs; speed sensitive switch; speed-sensitive switch高速断路开关: high-speed circuit breaker高速断续开关: quick make and break type switch高速换速开关: slow down high speed switch高速空气开关: high eed air switch; high speed air switch高速数字开关: hsds high speeded digital switch