高: tall; high跟: heel的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...高跟: high heels距跟的: astragalocalcanean; talocalcaneal胫跟的: tibiocalcanean腓跟的: fibulocalcaneal高跟鞋: high-heeled shoes没有后跟的: heelless鞋跟的形式: shape of heel有后跟的: heeled有鞋后跟的: heeled半高跟拖鞋: mule高跟儿鞋: high heeled shoes高跟蹄铁: raised bar plate领带&高跟鞋: tie&highheels人皮高跟鞋: horrible high heels偷穿高跟鞋: in her shoes; in her shose露趾高跟凉鞋: miss sofi漂亮的高跟鞋: the beautiful high―heel shoes素面女高跟鞋: plai ump; plain puimp; plain pump放置脚跟的部份: crutch可调节鞋跟的鞋子: shoes with adjustable heels无后鞋跟的套鞋: babouche楔形后跟的女用靴: wedgie