

发音:   用"高贵血统"造句
  • blue blood
  • 高贵:    noble; honourable; high
  • 血统:    blood relationship; blood li ...
  • 高贵:    1.(达到高度道德水平的) noble; honourable; high 高贵品质 noble quality2.(极有价值; 非常难得 valuable; rare 高贵的香料 valuable perfume3.(阶级地位特殊、生活享受优越的) highly privileged; elitist; 高贵出身者 gentleman; 高贵身份 gentility; 高贵饮料 nobbler
  • 血统:    blood relationship; blood lineage; bloodlines; ancestry; extraction; descent; filiation; stirp; havage 德国血统的美国人 americans of german extraction; 中国血统的美国人 americans of chinese descent; 他是东方血统。 he has oriental blood in his veins
  • 高贵的:    distinguished; gentle; high; honourable; majestic; nobler; noblest; princeliness; princely; royal; silken; tony; well-bred


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. 2 she is proud of his ( blue ) blood
  2. Of noble lineage
  3. Did we not clearly see that they felt ashamed of the traits of their once high lineage
  4. Originated from privileged german noble life , it will satisfy your most fastidious demand and surprise you in every day . life
  5. Mary magdalene had her surname of magdala , a castle , and was born of right noble lineage and parents , which were descended of the lineage of kings


        高贵:    noble; honourable; high
        血统:    blood relationship; blood li ...
        高贵:    1.(达到高度道德水平的) noble; honourable; high 高贵品质 noble quality2.(极有价值; 非常难得 valuable; rare 高贵的香料 valuable perfume3.(阶级地位特殊、生活享受优越的) highly privileged; elitist; 高贵出身者 gentleman; 高贵身份 gentility; 高贵饮料 nobbler
        血统:    blood relationship; blood lineage; bloodlines; ancestry; extraction; descent; filiation; stirp; havage 德国血统的美国人 americans of german extraction; 中国血统的美国人 americans of chinese descent; 他是东方血统。 he has oriental blood in his veins
        高贵的:    distinguished; gentle; high; honourable; majestic; nobler; noblest; princeliness; princely; royal; silken; tony; well-bred
        高贵地:    nobly
        高贵林:    port coquitlam
        高贵丸:    kogi maru
        高贵之:    oligocene
        高贵族:    nobility
        公正,高贵:    purple
        使高贵:    dignify; ennoble
        按血统:    by birth
        纯血统:    full blood; pure blood
        好血统:    wise blood
        门第,血统:    stock
        血统,出身:    origin
        血统;世系。:    blood line
        血统簿:    herdbook; studbook
        血统书:    jkc; pedigree
        血统系:    line of descent
        以血统:    blood bound
        与血统:    races &bloodlines
        薛仁贵血战柳家庄:    sit yan-kwai's bloody battle ai lau village
        比生命高贵:    larger than life


  1. "高贵品质"英文
  2. "高贵身份"英文
  3. "高贵丸"英文
  4. "高贵无比"英文
  5. "高贵型舞蹈"英文
  6. "高贵饮料"英文
  7. "高贵优美的"英文
  8. "高贵珍灯鱼"英文
  9. "高贵之"英文
  10. "高贵之美"英文


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