- blue blood
- 高贵: noble; honourable; high
- 血统: blood relationship; blood li ...
- 高贵: 1.(达到高度道德水平的) noble; honourable; high 高贵品质 noble quality2.(极有价值; 非常难得 valuable; rare 高贵的香料 valuable perfume3.(阶级地位特殊、生活享受优越的) highly privileged; elitist; 高贵出身者 gentleman; 高贵身份 gentility; 高贵饮料 nobbler
- 血统: blood relationship; blood lineage; bloodlines; ancestry; extraction; descent; filiation; stirp; havage 德国血统的美国人 americans of german extraction; 中国血统的美国人 americans of chinese descent; 他是东方血统。 he has oriental blood in his veins
- 高贵的: distinguished; gentle; high; honourable; majestic; nobler; noblest; princeliness; princely; royal; silken; tony; well-bred