

发音:   用"高能中子"造句
  • high-energy neutron


  1. In certain fusion processes, among nuclei of the hydrogen isotopes, neutrons of high energy are liberated .
  2. The measurement is complicated by the presence of a component due to fast and high-energy neutrons of extraterrestrial origin .
  3. A rectangular target with its aspect ratio 2 . 5 : 1 gives the higher neutron flux than square target with the same area . for the same shape , the neutron flux increases then turn to decrease with decreasing the area of the target


        高能:    high energy
        中子:    neutron
        高能中子探测器:    high-energy neutron detector
        超热能中子:    abovethermal neutron; epithermal neutron
        单能中子:    monoenergetic neutrons; monoergic neutron; single-end neutron
        单能中子束:    monochromatic neutron beam
        低能中子:    low energy neutron; low-energy neutron
        中能中子:    intermediate energy neutron; intermediate neutrons; moderate energy neutron
        阈能中子:    threshold neutron
        高能中间产物:    high-energy intermediate
        中能中子谱堆:    intermediate spectrum reactor
        单能中子反应堆:    one velocity reactor; single energy reactor; single-energy reactor
        中能中子反应堆:    intermediate reactor; intermediate spectrum reactor
        自给能中子探测器:    self-power neutron detector
        潜艇用中能中子反应堆:    submarine intermediate reactor
        高能:    high energy◇高能等离子体 energetic plasma; 高能点火 [航空] high-energy ignition; 高能电池(组) high-energy battery; 高能电嘴 high energy spark plug; 高能定理 high energy theorem; 高能辐射 high-energy radiation; 高能化学 high-energy chemistry; 高能环境 high-energy environment; 高能激光(器) superlaser; 高能加速器 high energy accelerator; 高能粒子发光 high energy particle luminescence; 高能碰撞 energetic encounter; 高能气旋 cyclone energetics; 高能青贮料 high-energy silage; 高能燃料 high-energy fuel; 高能热离子管 bright emitter; 高能散射 [粒子] high-energy scattering; 高能射线 high-energy ray; 高能天体物理(学) high-enery astrophysics; 高能同步稳相加速器 cosmotron; 高能物理(学) high-energy physics; 高能物质 anakinetomere; 高能振动 high energy vibration; 高能质子同步稳相加速器 bevatron; 高能重离子 high-energy heavy ion; 高能装置 high-energy rig (用于爆炸成形)
        中子:    [物理学] neutron 快中子 fast neutron; 慢中子 slow neutron; 热中子 thermal neutron; 瞬发中子 prompt neutron; 中子波 neutron wave; 中子弹 neutron bomb; neut; neutron producer; 中子疗法 [医学] neutron therapy; 中子物理(学) neutronics; 中子衍射 [物理学] neutron diffraction
        本能中枢:    instinctive centre
        多功能中心:    multipurpose center (center serving many purposes)
        功能中心:    functional center
        核能中心:    nuclear center
        热能中心:    heat centre
        失能中断:    disabled interrupt
        万能中耕机:    universal cultivator
        展能中心:    day activity centre


  1. "高能质子探测实验"英文
  2. "高能质子探测试验"英文
  3. "高能质子同步稳相加速器"英文
  4. "高能质子同步稳向加速器"英文
  5. "高能中间产物"英文
  6. "高能中子探测器"英文
  7. "高能重离子"英文
  8. "高能重离子反应堆"英文
  9. "高能重离子加速器"英文
  10. "高能重子"英文


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