Hlm wto high - level meeting for ldcs wto 最不发达国家高级别会议
Hlm wto high - level meeting for ldcs 最不发达国家高级别会议
The united states and china plan to hold high level meetings two times each year to discuss economic issues 中美计划举行每年两次的高级别会议,讨论经济问题。
It will be the first such summit since 2000 , and only the second the two countries have ever held 这将是自2000年以来两国首次举行如此高级别会议,也是两国间有史以来第二次举行如此高级别的会议。
This week , the united nations held a high level meeting to discuss progress against aids and to set new goals for the future 这个星期联合国举行一个高级别会议讨论防治艾滋病的进展和为将来设定一个新目标。
高级: senior; high-ranking; high-l ...别: change多边高级别会议: multilateral high level conference儿童问题高级别会议: high-level meeting on children技合活动高级别会议: high-level meeting on tcdc建立信任措施高级别会议: high-level meeting on confidence-building measures能源问题高级别会议: high-level meeting on energy审查技合活动高级别会议: high-level meeting on the review of tcdc最不发达国家高级别会议: hlm wto第四次联合国与区域组织高级别会议: fourth high-level united nations-regional organizations meeting第四届联合国与区域组织高级别会议: fourth united nations and regional organizations high-level meeting发展中国家间经济合作高级别会议: high-level meeting on economic cooperation among developing countries; high-levelconferenceoneconomiccooperationamongdevelopingcountries; high-levelmeetingoneconomiccooperationamongdevelopingcountries防止和打击恐怖主义高级别会议: high-level meeting on the prevention and combat of terrorism非洲环境影响评估高级别会议: african high-level meeting on environmental impact assessment高科技犯罪问题高级别会议: high-level meeting on high-tech crime加强东南欧合作高级别会议: high-level conference on strengthening cooperation in south-east europe就业和结构调整问题高级别会议: high-level meeting on employment and structural adjustment; high-levelmeetingonemploymentandstructuraladjustment实现移徙工人就业平等高级别会议: high-level meeting on achieving equality in employment for migrant workers南太平洋金枪鱼捕捞问题多边高级别会议: multilateral high-level conference on south pacific tuna fisheries审查发展中国家间技术合作活动高级别会议: high-level meeting on the review of technical cooperation among developing countries; high-levelmeetingonthereviewoftechnicalcooperationamongdevelopingcountries与布雷顿森林机构联合举行的高级别特别会议: special high-level meeting with bretton woods institutions; specialhigh-levelmeetingwithbrettonwoodsinstitutions最不发达国家旅游业和发展问题高级别会议: high-level meeting on tourism and development in the least-developed countries残疾人问题区域间高级别会晤: high-level interregional encounter on disability南南高级别科技会议: south-south high level conference on science and technology高级别: high-level