高潮: high tide; high water; sprin ...停: stop; halt; cease; pause潮: tide低潮停潮: low water stand of tide停潮: stand of tide; tidal stand平潮;停潮: standing of tide高潮: 1.(最高潮位) high tide; high water; spring tide; flood 这条船在高潮时离港。 the ship departed on the high water.2.(事物高度发展的阶段; 矛盾发展的顶点) upsurge; climax; high tide; culmination; upsurge; culmen; top; summit 掀起生产的新高潮 initiate a new movement to promote production; 迎接社会主义建设的新高潮 greet the new high tide of socialist construction; 第五场是全剧的高潮。 the fifth scene was the climax of the play.; 高潮间隙 establishment; tidal epoch; retard of the tide; 高潮面[位] high water level; 高潮位线 floodmark; 高潮线 floodmark; landwash; [海洋学] high-water line 风停潮落: the storm dies down and the tide runs out低高潮: height of low water; l h w; lesser flood; lesser high water; lhw (= lower high water); lower high water (lhw)顶点;高潮: climax反高潮: anticlimax高潮标: high water mark高潮的: climactic; paroxysmal高潮高: height of high tide高潮痕: flood mark; high water mark高潮礁: high water rock高潮面: high tide level; high water level; high-tide level; high-tidelevel; high-water level; hwl高潮期: high-tide period; high-tideperiod; high-water period; orgasm高潮石: high-water rock高潮时: high water time; time of high water高潮位: climax; high tide level; high tidelevel; high water level; high water mark; high water stage; hwl高潮侠: orgazmo高潮线: flood line; floodmark; high mark; high tide line; high water line; high water mark; high-tide line; high-water limit; high-water line; high-water mark; high-waterline; hwl; landwash; tidemark高高潮: [海洋学] higher high water极高潮: extreme high water