高温: high temperature; elevated t ...高压: high-handed快速: fast; quick; high-speed; spe ...染色机: dyeing machine常压快速染色机: normal pre ure rapid dyeing machine; normal pressure rapid dyeing machine高温高压染色机: high temperature high pre ure dyeing machine; high temperature high pressure dyeing machine; high temperature-pre ure dyeing machine; high temperature-pressure dyeing machine; high-temperature /high-pressure dyeing machine高温高压绳状染色机: high temperature winch-beck; high temperature-pre ure beck; high temperature-pressure beck高温高压样品染色机: high temperature-pre ure sample dyeing machine; high temperature-pressure sample dyeing machine高温高压染色: high temperature pressure dyeing高速染色机: high eed dyeing machine; high speed dyeing machine高温高压染色法: high-temperature and high pressure dyeing process快速染色: rapid dyeing; rapid staining快速染色剂: rapid stain高温高压: hthp高温高压油: high-duty oil高温染色机: high temperature dyeing machine高压染色机: pre ure dyeing machine; pressure dyeing machine高温高压设备: high-temperature high-pressure apparatus; high-temperaturehigh-pressureapparatus高温高压实验: high-temperature high-pressure耐高温高压阀: high-heat and high-pressure valve外耳氏快速染色法: weil's rapid staining method高温高压电化学: high-temperatureandpressureelectrochemistry高温高压电站闸阀: high temperature pre ure power station gate valves; high temperature pressure power station gate ales; high temperature pressure power station gate valves高温高压改性木材: improved wood高温高压截止阀: high temperature and high pre ure cut-off valve; high temperature and high pressure cut-off valve