半径: radius平均: average; mean风吹草动: Wind sways grass.; a sign of ...率: rate; ratio; proportion高斯半径: gaussian radius风吹草动: wind sways grass.; a sign of disturbance or trouble; at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind; grass bends as wind blows.; if the wind begins to blow evil and the grass to stir, ...; the rustle of leaves in the wind平均曲率半径: mean radius of curvature负曲率半径: nroc挠率半径: radius of torsion曲率半径: curvature radius; curvature, radius of; curve radius; kruemmungsradius radius of curvature; radius at bend; radius-of-curvature曲率半径法: radius of curvature method曲率半径梳: radiusofcurvaturecomb主曲率半径: principal curvature radius; principal radius of curvature; principalradiusofcurvature; radius of principal curvature助率半径: principal radius of curvature; radius of principal curvature表面曲率半径: lde=lens data editor surface radius of curvature侧面曲率半径: flank radius齿廓曲率半径: profile radius of curvature刀子曲率半径: knife edge curvature radius; knife-edge pointer地球曲率半径: radius of curvature of the earth第二曲率半径: radius of second curvature; second curvature radius第一曲率半径: first curvature radius航道曲率半径: curvature radius of channel环向曲率半径: circumferential radius of curvature角膜曲率半径: corneal curvature radius; corneal radii; corneal radius绝对曲率半径: absolute radius of curvature