高地: upland; elevation; ben; rise ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...高地的: upland较高的高地的: upper苏格兰高地的: highland of or in the scottish highlands当地的人: local低地的人: lowlander有宅地的人: person who lives on a homestead苏格兰高地的兵士: kiltie常去胜地的人: resorter用犁耕地的人: plowman住于沼地的人: bogtrotter居住于丛林地的人: bushman高地: 1.(地势高的地方) upland; elevation; ben; rise; hill; highland; coteau; [地理学] plateau2.[军事] (地面突起的部分) height 拿下三三二高地 capture height 332苏格兰高地地区的人: highlander地的: terraneous陷入进退维谷境地的人群: marooned group移居并开拓殖民地的人: kclenist kblenist移居到殖民地的人群: protectorate grouof people who settle in a colony鼠目寸光的人稍受表扬就不知天高地厚。: an unambitious man is easily carried away by victory沉船遇难流落在与外界隔绝之地的人: person who has been shipwrecked and left in an isolated place根据停役租地法租借土地的人: tenant by socage某一地的居民或具有某一国籍的人民: those persons who live in a particular place or have a particular nationality世人闪开道路,让每一个知道目的地的人通过: the world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going