高: tall; high句: sentence骊: black horse a surname高句丽: goguryeo; kokuli高句丽公主: a princess of goguryeo后高句丽: taebong隋炀帝征高句丽: goguryeo-sui wars高句丽公主(奚琴合奏版): a princess of goguryeo高句丽王城、王陵及贵族墓葬: capital cities and tombs of the ancient koguryo kingdom古代高句丽王国的王城及王陵: capital cities and tombs of the ancient koguryo kingdom高卷曲羊毛: crepe-like staple高爵丰禄: in a prominent position and with a high salary; be entrenched in a high position and receive a privileged treatment高爵显位: high nobles in conspicuous positions高觉敷: gao juefu高绝热标准住宅: home of high insulation standard高锯齿格式,高: high sierra format