The study ealuated persons with eleated plasma total homocysteine ( 13 mol / l or more ) who could be expected to benefit from homocysteine - lowering folic acid 这项研究评价了具有提高了的质膜总高半胱氨酸的人群,他们被认为受益于高半胱氨酸降低的叶酸。
Conclusions : folic acid supplementation does not improve endothelial function in obese children without diabetes despite increasing folate status and reducing thcy 结论:不患糖尿病的肥胖儿童补充叶酸,尽管可增加血清叶酸盐和降低血浆总高半胱氨酸水平,但是并不会改善血管内皮功能。
Homocysteine is an amino acid from metabolism of meat and dairy products . earlier study of professor woo s team has documented its toxic effect on vascular function , which is a marker of early atherosclerosis 胡教授一项较早时的研究已证明,同型高半胱氨酸水平过高会引起动脉血管内皮功能障碍,而导致血管硬化。
Folic acid : " the evidence that folic acid reduces the risk of heart disease is pretty strong , " says willet . folic acid , a b - vitamin , lowers blood levels of a harmful amino acid called homocysteine 叶酸威利指出:叶酸可降低心脏疾病罹患率的证据已相当充足,叶酸是一种维生素,它可以降低血液中的一种有害氨基酸,叫做高半胱氨酸homocysteine 。