Could hanoi so adjust its scale of values so as to give building its economy a higher priority than it had in all previous period in its history ? 河内一向不把经济建设放在很高位置,现在它肯改弦更张吗?
To move higher in the tag hierarchy , click the left arrow button in the navigator 若要向标记层次结构中的更高位置移动,请单击该导航器中的左箭头按钮。
To scroll higher in the tag hierarchy , click the left arrow button in the navigator 若要向标记层次结构中的更高位置滚动,请单击该导航器中的左箭头按钮。
She will be the first woman to hold the third - highest office after the president and vice president 她将成为第一位入主仅次于总统和副总统的第三高位置的女性。
It is found that the non - adiabatic heating plays an important role in the position variation of wpsh 结果表明,副热带地区的非绝热加热对副高位置变化有很重要的作用。