

发音:   用"骨鼻腔"造句
  • cavum nasi ossei
  • osseous nasal cavity
  • :    bone
  • 鼻腔:    nasal cavity; cavum nasi
  • 骨鼻腔, 鼻窝:    cavum nasi
  • 骨鼻腔,鼻窝:    bony cavity of nose
  • 鼻腔:    [生理学] nasal cavity; cavum nasi◇鼻腔堵塞 rhinostegnosis; rhinocleisis; rhinostegnosis; 鼻腔喷雾 nasal spray; 鼻腔肿瘤 rhino tumor


        :    bone
        鼻腔:    nasal cavity; cavum nasi
        骨鼻腔, 鼻窝:    cavum nasi
        骨鼻腔,鼻窝:    bony cavity of nose
        鼻腔:    [生理学] nasal cavity; cavum nasi◇鼻腔堵塞 rhinostegnosis; rhinocleisis; rhinostegnosis; 鼻腔喷雾 nasal spray; 鼻腔肿瘤 rhino tumor
        额骨鼻部:    pars nasalis ossis frontalis; prefrontal bone
        额骨鼻棘:    nasal spine of frontal bone; spina nasalis ossis frontalis
        额骨鼻突:    nasal process of frontal bone; processus nasalis ossis frontalis
        额骨鼻缘:    margo nasalis ossis frontalis; nasal margin of frontal bone
        骨鼻中隔:    bony septum of nose
        骨鼻中膈:    bony nasal septum; bonynasalseptum; septum nasi osseum
        面骨鼻部口:    baertura piriformis
        上颌骨鼻面:    facies nasalis maxillae; nasal surface of maxilla
        上颌骨鼻嵴:    crista nasalis maxila; crista nasalis maxillae; nasal crest of maxilla
        腭骨鼻棘:    nasal spine of palatine bone
        腭骨鼻甲嵴:    conchal crest of palatine bone; crista conchalis ossis palatini; inferior turbinal crest of palatine bone
        腭骨鼻突:    nasal process of palatine bone; processus nasalis ossis palatini
        腭骨鼻嵴:    crista nasalis ossis palatini; cristanasalisossispalatini; nasal crest of palatine bone; nasalcrestofpalatinebone
        鼻腔,鼻窝:    cavum nusi ossenm
        鼻腔的:    mycteric; rhinal
        鼻腔底:    basis cavum nasi
        鼻腔计:    rhinometer
        鼻腔镜:    conchoscope
        鼻腔牙:    nasal tooth
        副鼻腔:    paranasal sinus


  1. "骨包虫病"英文
  2. "骨包虫囊肿"英文
  3. "骨包壳"英文
  4. "骨包囊虫病"英文
  5. "骨卑臼"英文
  6. "骨鼻腔, 鼻窝"英文
  7. "骨鼻腔,鼻窝"英文
  8. "骨鼻中隔"英文
  9. "骨鼻中膈"英文
  10. "骨鼻中膈 骨性鼻中隔"英文


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