Jacket restraint is used if skeletal pin or wire is used . 如果骨胳穿上针或钢丝就要用背心约束。
The structure of the pelvic bones showed the skeleton was that of a female . 骨盆构造说明,这个骨胳是女性的。
Transient immobilization and starvation add to this impost on the skeletal muscle mass . 暂时的卧床和饥饿更加重了这种骨胳肌的消耗。
These cells destroy bone, trimming off rough edges, helping sculpture the bone back to its original shape . 这些细胞破坏骨胳,修去骨胳上的粗糙的边,帮助雕塑骨胳,恢复原状。
Close to half your blood is made up of red cells, white cells and platelets, all of which incubate in the bones . 你的血液将近一半是由红血球、白血球和血小板组成的,所有这些成分都是在骨胳中孕育出来的。