骗子: swindler; cheat; trickster; ...行为: action; behaviour; conduct; ...爱面子行为: face saving behavior; facesaving behaviorr不君子行为: ungentlemanly conducted抢帽子行为: scalping practice骗子的行为: imposture; quackery电子行业行为规范: eicc分子行为精神病学: orthomolecular psychiatry欺骗欺骗行为骗子: cheat子行: a surname 子行敬子 zixing jingzi骗子: swindler; cheat; trickster; fraud; fraudulent person; deceiver; juggler; charlatan; blackleg; cheater; bluff; adventure; faker; flimflammer; crook; humbug 政治骗子 a political swindler; 那人是个骗子。 that man is a fraud [cheat]他的经营原来是见不得人的欺诈行为。②骗子: his management turned out to be a shameful cheat子行业: sub-industry〔美国〕骗子。: confidence man; pocket hunter大骗子: big fat liar; the great pretender; they won't believe me骗子们: deceivers骗子手: put-on arist屈曲,骗子: crook与骗子: thenymphandtheconartist; viaggio con anita; xiannvyupianzi诈骗, 骗子: take-in电子行扫描: electronic line scanning锭子行列: line of spindles; row of spindles砍靴子行动: operation kata bottes离子行程: ion path粒子行径: traversal