腿: leg的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...跗节: digitus; dactylus; tarsus肉: meat; flesh跗节肉肿: spavin跗节肉肿的: spavined马足跗节肉肿的: spavined腿的: crural; legged马腿毛: horse leg hair筋翻肉肿: tendon-muscle reversion with swelling; version of tendon and muscle with swelling扁跗节: paddle端跗节: tarsule; telotarsus横跗节: transtarsus后跗节: articularis; posterior leg基跗节: basitarsus前跗节: tarsule隐跗节: arthrium胫跗节: tibiotarsus跗骨,跗节: tarsus跗节的: tarsal跗节距: tarsal spur跗节器: tarsal organ跗节赘: spavin马腿把毛: dre ed horse leg hair; dressed horse leg hair马腿上之镣: fetterlock