With tarawa eliminated, the way was clear for attack on the marshall group . 塔拉瓦据点被解决后,向马绍尔群岛进攻的道路便平坦无阻了。
Finally mr. dickens was taken to marshalsea prison, london, for debt. you will find the marshalsea fully described in little dorrit . 最后老狄更斯因为负债而被投入伦敦马绍尔西拘留所。在《小杜丽》中,你会看到对这个马绍尔西拘留所淋漓尽至的描述。
Marshallese word for " squall line 马绍尔语,飑线的意思。
Chung chi alumni scholarship for excellence donated by mr . ma siu leung 崇基校友至善奖学金(由马绍良先生捐赠)