欧: a surname大: big; large乱: in a mess; confused; disorde ...斗: fight; tussle大乱斗: marvel nemesis; neogeo battle coliseum; super smash bros功夫大乱斗: kung fu chaos怪兽大乱斗: godzilla domination; gojira kaiju dairanto advance乐队大乱斗: band mashups擂台大乱斗: royal rumble人物大乱斗: world domination battle首领大乱斗: world domination battle旋风大乱斗: final fight remix奥足球大乱斗: mario strikers charged football与征服大乱斗: all starsjump明星终极大乱斗: jump ultimate stars超级明星大乱斗: jumsuper stars jump超级任天堂大乱斗: super smash bros. melee哥斯拉怪兽大乱斗: godzilla do ination; gojira kaiju dairanto advance任天堂明星大乱斗: super smash bros brawl终极明星大乱斗: jumultimate stars jump利欧马利: michele alliot-marie马利欧特瓶: mariotte bottle马利欧网球: mario tennis gb japanese集英社全明星大乱斗: jump super stars马利欧与魔术师: mario and the magician