In a separate mixing bowl , whip the cream , icing sugar and vanilla sugar to soft peak 将奶油,糖粉和香草糖放到搅拌盆里打至中性发泡。
Melt the butter in a pot and add sugar , vanilla sugar , and the water , then boil up briefly 融化牛油,加入砂糖,香草糖及水,然后稍微煮滚。
To prepare the filling by whipping castor sugar , vanilla sugar and butter until well - combined 将椰馅材料中的牛油加入细砂糖以及香草糖搅拌均匀。
Beat the softened butter with the sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy , then add the eggs one at a time , beating well after each addition 把牛油,砂糖和香草糖打发,然后一个一个把鸡蛋加进去搅打均匀。