首相: prime minister; premier的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...秘书: secretary酷似首相的人: the prime minister's lookalikee秘书长的秘书: secretary to the secretary-general希特勒的秘书: im toten winkel - hitlers sekretä首相私人秘书长: principal private secretary to the prime minister他的秘书也没有: their children were transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labor我在等我的秘书: i am waiting for my secretary一个能干的秘书: an efficient secretary首相: prime minister; premier◇首相府 the residence of prime minister老兵当着首相的面咒骂寒冷的天气: before the premier the old soldier scolds the cold weather你昨晚收听首相的广播讲话了吗: did you listen in to the prime minister yesterday evening奥修的秘书希拉离开: osho’s secretary sheela leaves and information about crimes相的: facial首相府负责撒哈拉事务的国务秘书: secretary of state to the prime minister in charge of saharan affairs帮助各国解决争端的秘书长信托基金: secretary-general trust fund to assist负责西撒哈拉问题的秘书长个人特使: personal envoy of the secretary-general for western sahara作为领导组织行政首长的秘书长: secretary-general in his capacity as the executive head of the lead organization当我拿来担架上的素描时我发现了秘书的秘密: when i fetched the sketch on the stretcher i found the secretary’s secret负责处理孟加拉国紧急情况的秘书长当地代: local representative of the secretary-general for the emergency in bangladesh负责处于武装冲突中的儿童问题的秘书长特: special representative of the secretary-general on children in armed conflict我从他的秘书那里探得我所要知道的信息。: i succeeded in eliciting from his secretary the information i needed秘书: secretary 档案秘书 archivist; secretary-archivist; 机要秘书 confidential secretary; 私人秘书 private secretary; 执行秘书 executive secretary; 秘书处 secretariat; 秘书问题 secretary problem; 秘书长 secretary general 副首相: deputy premier; deputy prime minister; vc vice chairman vice chancellor vice consul; vice-chief of government; vicepremier