首先: first决定权: power to make decision决定权: power to make decision 有最后决定权 have the final say; “the buck stops here.”或预先决定: predetermining优先决定器: priority resolver预先决定: predetemine; predeterment――predetermine; preform; preload预先决定,注定: predetermine预先决定论: predeterminism财政决定权: fiscal discretionary power人事决定权: the direction rights on personnel有决定权: have the say [last word]: 地方办事处对这类事没有决定权。 the local office doesn't have the say about such matters有决定权的: discretional; discretionary斟酌决定权: discretionary power酌情决定权: discretion自行决定权: discretionary power自主决定权: discretionary power非预先决定的: non-predetermined行使……酌情决定权: exercising . . . discretion有最后决定权: the buck stops here有最终决定权: have the final say独有酌情决定权: sole discretion决定权在你手中: the content may be pretty much what you will绝对酌情决定权: absolute discretion完全酌情决定权: sole discretion有部分采购决定权: partial