There shall be scientific management systems and operating rules for feeding and breeding rooms and laboratories for experimental animals 实验动物饲育室、实验室要有科学的管理制度和操作规程。
Article 9 feeding and breeding rooms and laboratories for experimental animals shall be built in different areas and each shall be kept in strict isolation 第九条实验动物的饲育室、实验室应设在不同区域,并进行严格隔离。
室: room动物饲育室: nursery育室: brood chamber; broodchamber饲育: breeding; education; growing; livery; raising; rearing保育室: nursery孵育室: brood chamber体育室: physical education office饲育场: feedlot; rearing centre; rearing station饲育盒: carton饲育舍: rearing cage健康教育室: health education room医疗体育室: therapeutic gymnasium; therapeutical gymnastic room青春期教育室: adolescent education room蓖麻蚕饲育: eri silkworm rearing蚕高温饲育: high temperature rearing of silkworm蚕饲育量: amount of silkworm to be raised蚕饲育湿度: humidity for silkworm rearing蚕饲育温度: temperature for rearing of silkworm大蚕饲育: rearing the grown silkworms集约饲育: intensive rearing家蚕饲育: mulberry silkworm rearing密闭饲育: closed rearing奇兽饲育学: care of magical creatures热带鱼饲育: culture of tropical fish舍饲育成: rearing in dry lot