1 . regulate metabolism and increase conversion rate of feed 1 .调整机体代谢功能,提高饲料转化率。
An increase in the metabolisable energy and improvement in feed conversion are important factors for poultry producer 对于家禽饲养者而言,代谢能的增加和饲料转化率的改善是相当重要的因素。
The growth and the feed conversion were improved by adding multienzyme in the miscellaneous meal diet for fattening pigs 在杂粕型日粮中添加杂粕溢多酶,能提高肥育猪的生长速度和饲料转化率。
Results of the performance tests show an average improvement of at least 2 % of the feed conversion , depending on species 动物生产性能试验结果表明,根据畜禽种类不同,加酶后饲料转化率平均至少提高2 % 。
A recent test with layers fed corn - based diets demonstrated a significant reduction of feed consumption resulting in a noteworthy decrease of feed conversion by 5 . 8 % 最近对饲喂玉米基础日粮的蛋鸡试验表明,饲料消耗量的显著减少,饲料转化率改善5 . 8 % 。