They represent important influences on the utilization of the feed . 它们对饲料的利用率有重大影响。
The process of making silage is a form of chemical treatment . 调制青贮饲料的过程即为化学处理的一种方式。
Thus only the metabolizable portions of a feedstuff can provide energy and essential nutrients . 因此,只有饲料的可代谢部分可提供能量和必需的养分。
Feed medication is not the best method of treatment because of the inappetence of sick birds and their inability to compete for feed . 饲料投药,由于病鸡食欲不良,又没有竞争饲料的能力,故不是最好的治疗方法。
The apparent association of the disease with the feeding of freshly chopped corn and freshly chopped alfalfa reduces the utility of those feeds . 这种疾病显然与饲喂新粉碎的玉米和苜蓿有一定的联系,这降低了这些饲料的利用率。