If added the saccharification of corn , pigs like to eat and increase price of feed 玉米若经糖化后,可使猪喜食快长,提高饲料报酬。
With fast growth , good adoption and high percentage of lean meat , it is very popular with the raisers and customers , and has a good sell in shanghai , fujian , exc 它具有生长速度快、饲料报酬高、适应性强、瘦肉率高等特点,因而深受广大养殖户欢迎和客商青睐,畅销上海、福建等地。
With adsorption and ion exchangeability , it is mainly used as additive in feed , it can absorb ammonia , fix nitrogen , delay the time nutriments stay in alimentary canal , absorb detrimental substance , improve the function of digest , supply many microelements and macroelemnts for livestocks 主要用作饲料的添加剂,具有吸附性和离子交换性,能吸氨固氮延缓营养物质通过消化道的时间吸附肠道有害物质,改善消化机能同时可以供给畜禽多种微量和常量元素,促进增产增重,提高饲料报酬。
Bs of different dosages simultaneously inoculated rabbit with inactivated vaccines of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus ( rhdv ) . the hi liters of antibody against rdhv induced by rdhv inactivated vaccine in the group of high dosage bursin are higher than control group about 2 - 3 liters averagely . and the result of t - lymphocyte transformation assay shows that the bursin can temporarily enhance the t - lymphocyte transformation . the results of effects of bursin on body weight gain and feed conversion ration in rabbits show that bs can increase growth of mammal . the effect of bursin has a relation to its dosage , but has no ralation to the difference of interspecies and the method which come into the body 试验中还发现, bs对鸡体有一定的增重作用从而提高了饲料报酬。将不同剂量bs与兔瘟灭活苗同时免疫家兔,高剂量的dbs 、 cbs组可使兔瘟hi抗体水平较免疫对照组提高2 - 3个滴度。 t -淋巴细胞转化试验表明: bs可短暂促进t -淋巴细胞的活化。