

发音:   "饮啜"的汉语解释   用"饮啜"造句
  • sip
  • :    give water to drink; water
  • :    sip; suck
  • 饮鸩止渴:    quench a thirst with poison; a supposed remedy having the opposite effect; drink poison [poisoned wine] to quench (a raging) thirst; seek temporary relief regardless of the consequences; stop thirst by drinking poison -- senseless measure; temporary relief which results in disaster
  • 饮子:    a decoction of chinese medicine to be taken cold
  • 饮痫:    epilepsy with abnormal appetie; epilepsy with abnormal appetite


        :    give water to drink; water
        :    sip; suck
        饮鸩止渴:    quench a thirst with poison; a supposed remedy having the opposite effect; drink poison [poisoned wine] to quench (a raging) thirst; seek temporary relief regardless of the consequences; stop thirst by drinking poison -- senseless measure; temporary relief which results in disaster
        饮子:    a decoction of chinese medicine to be taken cold
        饮痫:    epilepsy with abnormal appetie; epilepsy with abnormal appetite
        饮中八仙:    eight drinking immortals
        饮癖:    hypochondrium retention of fluid
        饮证:    fluid-retention syndrome
        :    Ⅰ动词[书面语] (治理) administer; rule 以尹天下 administer [rule] the countryⅡ名词1.(旧时官名) an ancient official title 府尹 prefect2.(姓氏) a surname 尹文 yin wen
        饮者, 酒徒:    drinker
        尹安健:    bob iannucci
        饮誉南北:    enjoy [win] popularity north and south


        饮啜什么意思:  1.  喝;吃喝。    ▶ 唐 冯贽 《云仙杂记》卷二: “池外数步有一小坎, 正涵北斗, 有虾蟆数十, 共来饮啜。”    ▶ 清 潘荣陛 《帝京岁时纪胜‧岁暮杂务》: “亲宾幼辈来辞岁者, 留饮啜。”    2.  特指喝茶。    ▶ 宋 袁文 《...


  1. "饮誉南北"英文
  2. "饮者, 酒徒"英文
  3. "饮证"英文
  4. "饮中八仙"英文
  5. "饮子"英文
  6. "饮鸩止渴"英文
  7. "饮痫"英文
  8. "饮癖"英文
  9. "尹"英文
  10. "尹安健"英文


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