食: a word used in person's name鱼: fish用: 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...刀: knife; sword鱼刀,食鱼用刀。: fish knife射鱼用的箭: bowfishing arrow钓鱼用的假饵: lure; silver doctor割鲸须用的刀: baleen knife刮轴衬用的刀: bush knife组装用的刀把: dog钓鱼用的防水长靴: wader射鱼用的弓上鱼线: bow reel食鱼: ichthyophagy剥取树皮用的刀: spud捕食鱼: predaceous fish; predatory fish食鱼的: fish eating; ichthyophagous; ichthyovorous; piscivorous食鱼鸟: fish eating bird; fish-eating bird食鱼鼠: fish-eating mouse食鱼蝮: cottonmouth water moccasin食鱼貂: fisher食鱼鼬: fisher吞食鱼: feeding frenzy; swallows the fish捕鱼用麻绳: codline吃鱼用叉: fish fork