

  • flight progress strip


        飞行:    flight; flying; aviate; voya ...
        进程:    course; proceeding; process; ...
        :    belt; girdle; ribbon; band; ...
        飞行进程单:    flight progress strip
        飞行进程显示:    flight progress display
        飞行进程单打印机:    fsflight striprinter
        飞行进程显示器:    flight poagress display
        并行进程:    comcurrent process; concurrent process
        共行进程:    concurrent process; concurrentprocess
        飞行进度板:    flight progress board
        行进:    process; march forward; advance 行进到农村去 a march into the country; 缓慢行进 at slow march; 他们继续快步行进。 they resumed their march at a quick step
        进程:    course; proceeding; process; progress 历史进程 the course of history; 加速进程 expedite proceedings; 自然发展进程 a process of natural development; 加速康复进程 accelerate the course of convalescence; 他们密切注视着中东的和平进程。 they take care to follow the course of peace in the middle east. 在人类历史发展进程中, 新的艺术不断诞生。 new arts have been born in the course of the history of man.; 进程管理程序 process supervisory program; 进程内共享 intra-process sharing; 进程偏心轮 [工业] forward eccentric; 进程通信 process communication; 进程图 fate map
        倍频程带:    octave band
        倍频程带级:    octave band level
        倍频程带宽:    octave bandwidth
        倍频程带压级:    octave band pressure level
        朝……行进:    be heading for
        大行进:    grand march
        前进,行进:    make ones way; make one’s way
        斜行进:    oblique march
        行进,行军:    march
        行进波:    progressing wave; traveling wave; travelling wave; travelling-wave
        行进的:    adagio; andante; progressive; traveling; travelling
        行进花:    procession flower
        行进曲:    march; yuka


  1. "飞行节"英文
  2. "飞行结束"英文
  3. "飞行津贴"英文
  4. "飞行紧急着陆"英文
  5. "飞行紧张状态"英文
  6. "飞行进程单"英文
  7. "飞行进程单打印机"英文
  8. "飞行进程显示"英文
  9. "飞行进程显示器"英文
  10. "飞行进度板"英文


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