The hourly wind speed and direction in the past 24 hours for each of the stations will also be available 每十分钟更新一次,并提供过去二十四小时每个气象站风速风向的变化。
The latest wind information can also be obtained from the observatory s dial - a - weather system 1878 200 - 3 227 市民亦可以透过打电话问天气系统1878 200 - 1 227 ,提取最新的风速风向资料。
The change of wind speed and direction has a significantly influence on the oil film trajectory and pollution extent in the port 风速风向的变化对油膜漂移轨迹和港区污染程度影响十分明显。
The products range from runway winds , satellite cloud images to en - route and destination weather information . a newcomer is the computerized 这包括了跑道上的风速风向、卫星云图、以至航道和目的地机场的天气资讯。
The products range from runway winds , satellite cloud images to en - route and destination weather information . a newcomer is the computerized 这包括了跑道上的风速风向、卫星云图、以至航道和目的地机场的天气资讯。