

  • wind and water power


        :    wind
        :    mix; blend
        水力:    waterpower; hydraulic power
        风和水:    wind &water
        风和:    kazawa
        能源和水力国务部长:    minister of state for energy and water power; state for energy and water power minister
        和水:    water
        水力:    waterpower; hydraulic power◇水力剥离 [采矿工程] hydraulic stripping; strip with water; 水力采矿 hydraulic mining; hydromining; 水力测功器 hydraulic dynamometer; 水力测量学 hydraulic measurements; [流] hydrometry; 水力沉桩法 jetting pilling; 水力冲裂法 hydraulic fracturing; 水力冲刷 sluicing; 水力冲刷勘探 costean; 水力冲挖 hydraulicking; 水力抽水器 hydraulic injector; 水力除焦 hydraulic decoking; 水力除鳞 hydraulic descaling; 水力除土 sluicing; 水力发动机 hydraulic motor; 水力纺纱机 water frame; 水力分级 hydraulic classfication; 水力分离器 hydroseparator; 水力分粒机 hydraulic classifier; 水力工程(学) hydraulic engineering; water power engineering; 水力夯锤 water ram; 水力机 water engine; 水力机械[装置] hydraulic; 水力机械化施工 hydro-mechanisation construction; 水力机组 water power set; 水力计 potamometer; 水力计算 hydraulic computation; 水力能源 hydraulic energy; 水力开采矿井 hydromine; 水力利用 harnessing; 水力能源 hydraulic energy; 水力浓缩槽 hydrotator-thickener; 水力喷雾器 hydraulic sprayer; 水力坡度 hydraulic gradient; 水力切割法 water-jet cutting technology; 水力清理[清砂] hydroblast; hydroblasting; 水力升降机 hydraulic-lift; 水力施工 hydraulic operation; 水力抠纽 hydrojunction; 水力提升机 hydraulic elevator; hydrolift; 水力挖泥船 hydraulic dredge; 水力挖泥机 hydraulic navvy; 水力挖土 hydraulicking; 水力效率 hydraulic efficiency; 水力旋流器 hydrocyclone; hydrodone; 水力运输 hydrotransport; 水力蕴藏量 potential hydraulic power; 水力资源 waterpower resources; hydroelectric resources; hydroelectric potential
        北风和太阳:    boreas and sun; the north wind and the sun
        春风和畅:    the spring wind is gentle and caressing
        春风和煦:    a balmy spring breeze
        风和日丽:    the wind is mild and the sun is bright.; a peaceful, suuny day; the breeze was gentle and the sun warm.; the wind is gentle and the sun radiant.; there is a balmy breeze and warm sun.; the sun was beautiful and the breeze gentle.; (an intoxicating climate) with gentle breezes and warm sunshine
        风和日暖:    the winds blow gently and the sunshine is warm.; bright sunshine and gentle breeze; the breeze is balmy, the sun warm.; the weather is warm with a refreshing wind blowing.; the winds are mild and the sun hot.; warm and sunny weather
        风和太阳:    the wind and the sun
        惠风和畅:    a gentle and pleasant breeze
        陆风和海风:    land and sea breeze; land-sea breeze
        中风和晕厥:    stroke and syncope
        拌和水:    mixing water
        饱和水:    imbibition water; saturated water; saturation water; water of imbibition; water of saturation
        和水稻:    oryza sativa
        和水泥:    mix cement mortar etc
        鱼和水:    fish and water
        今天风和日丽:    it's mild today
        通风和排气口:    louvers and vents
        饱和水流:    saturated flow


  1. "风和日丽,晴空万里"英文
  2. "风和日丽的天气"英文
  3. "风和日丽咖啡馆"英文
  4. "风和日暖"英文
  5. "风和水"英文
  6. "风和太阳"英文
  7. "风和太阳比赛看谁能让人脱了外套。"英文
  8. "风河峰"英文
  9. "风河公司"英文
  10. "风河平台"英文


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