

发音:   用"风光万千"造句
  • vaya con dios
  • 风光:    scene; view; sight
  • 万千:    multifarious; myriad
  • 万千:    multifarious; myriad 变化万千 eternally changing; changing all the time; 思绪万千 myriads of thoughts welling up in one's mind; 气象万千 spectacular; majestic
  • 风光:    scene; view; sight 好风光 a wonderful sight; 风光片 scenic film; 风光摄影 landscape photography
  • 霞光万道:    glowing rays shine in all directions.; myriads of sun rays


        风光:    scene; view; sight
        万千:    multifarious; myriad
        万千:    multifarious; myriad 变化万千 eternally changing; changing all the time; 思绪万千 myriads of thoughts welling up in one's mind; 气象万千 spectacular; majestic
        风光:    scene; view; sight 好风光 a wonderful sight; 风光片 scenic film; 风光摄影 landscape photography
        霞光万道:    glowing rays shine in all directions.; myriads of sun rays
        金万千:    wanqian jin
        李万千:    lee ban chen
        万千三:    machizo
        万千野:    takemata; takeyata
        风光管:    aeolight
        风光片:    scenic film
        好风光:    a wonderful sight; suzhou hao feng guang
        变化万千:    eternally changingchanging all the time
        感慨万千:    be filled with a thousand regrets; all sorts of feelings well up in one's mind.; be filled with regrets [painful recollections]
        何啻万千:    more than thousands and myriads; far more than thousands and tens of thousands
        气象万千:    majestic and grand; a magnificent and changeful prospect; a wonderful and mighty panorama; majestic in all its variety; spectacular; things change in countless ways
        思绪万千:    fill one's mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas; a myriad of thoughts crowd into one's mind.; a thousand [confused] thoughts came to (one's) mind.; one's mind is in a whirl [tumult]
        头绪万千:    have too many things to attend to; the clue is extremely confused -- the issue is perplexing and embarrassing
        万千之喜:    a big joy; be extremely fortunate; be so, so happy
        万万千野:    takemata
        仪态万千:    distinguished air of elegance and coquetry; (of a beauty) appear in all her glory; incomparably graceful
        百万千瓦小时:    gwh
        色彩变化万千:    colors changing hue
        北国风光:    northern scenery; north country scene; a magnificent scene of the north 好一派北国风光! what magnificent northern scenery
        本地风光:    local colour


  1. "风光明媚"英文
  2. "风光明媚的岛"英文
  3. "风光片"英文
  4. "风光片系列"英文
  5. "风光摄影"英文
  6. "风光秀丽"英文
  7. "风光秀丽的小岛"英文
  8. "风光邮资明信片"英文
  9. "风光旖旎"英文
  10. "风柜"英文


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