

  • chatter mark
  • chattered stria
  • chattermark trail
  • 颤动:    quake; quiver; vibrate; trem ...
  • 擦痕:    striation; scoring; stria st ...
  • 蠕动擦痕面:    creeping slickenside
  • 擦痕:    striation; scoring; [地质学] (冰川条痕) stria (pl. ) striae
  • 颤动:    quake; quiver; vibrate; tremble; flutter; jitter; bounce; dither; chatter; trepidation; vibration; vibes 声带颤动 vibration of the vocal chords; 大地在他脚下颤动。 the ground quaked [trembled] under his feet. 树叶在微风中颤动。 the leaves quivered [trembled] in the breeze. 她嘴唇颤动。 her lips vibrated.; 颤动干扰 mush; 颤动回波 flutter echo; 颤动回声 flutter echo; 颤动计算 flutter calculation; 颤动计算机 flutter computer; 颤动检验器 flutter checker; 颤动特性 bouncing charateristic; 颤动效应 wobbling effect; flutter effect;颤动信号 dither signal


        颤动:    quake; quiver; vibrate; trem ...
        擦痕:    striation; scoring; stria st ...
        蠕动擦痕面:    creeping slickenside
        擦痕:    striation; scoring; [地质学] (冰川条痕) stria (pl. ) striae
        颤动:    quake; quiver; vibrate; tremble; flutter; jitter; bounce; dither; chatter; trepidation; vibration; vibes 声带颤动 vibration of the vocal chords; 大地在他脚下颤动。 the ground quaked [trembled] under his feet. 树叶在微风中颤动。 the leaves quivered [trembled] in the breeze. 她嘴唇颤动。 her lips vibrated.; 颤动干扰 mush; 颤动回波 flutter echo; 颤动回声 flutter echo; 颤动计算 flutter calculation; 颤动计算机 flutter computer; 颤动检验器 flutter checker; 颤动特性 bouncing charateristic; 颤动效应 wobbling effect; flutter effect;颤动信号 dither signal
        冰擦痕:    glacial score; glacial striation; ice mark
        擦痕砾:    scratched boulder
        擦痕面:    slickenside
        假擦痕:    pseudo slickensides
        摩擦痕:    friction marks
        条纹;擦痕:    striae; striation
        冰擦痕;冰川擦痕:    glacial striae
        电动擦鞋机:    shoe polishers electric
        电动擦鞋器:    electric shoe polisher
        振动擦洗机:    vibrating scru er; vibrating scrubber
        浮动擦除磁头:    flying erase head
        冰川擦痕:    drift scratch; glacial scratches; glacial striations; glacialscratches; score; scoring
        冰川擦痕面:    striated pavement
        冰川擦痕石:    ice-striated pebble
        冰碛擦痕:    drift scrath
        擦痕巨砾:    striated boulders
        擦痕卵石:    scratched pebble; striated pebble; striatedpe le
        擦痕漂砾:    striated boulder
        擦痕岩面:    slickolite; striated rock-surface
        擦痕铸型:    striation cast


  1. "颤动,飘动"英文
  2. "颤动,震颤"英文
  3. "颤动;微震"英文
  4. "颤动臂"英文
  5. "颤动扁裸藻"英文
  6. "颤动草地"英文
  7. "颤动抽搐"英文
  8. "颤动的"英文
  9. "颤动的金翅膀"英文
  10. "颤动分量"英文


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