They are tongue , lips , pharynx , mandible , and velum 包括舌头、唇、咽、下颔骨和软颚。
Most of the lesion are on the molar region , body and ascending ramus 下颔骨的好发部位则依序为臼齿区域,下颔体部及枝部。
Wide surgical resection of the primary lesion is the definite treatment 将病灶作广泛性切除,是成功治疗下颔骨软骨肉瘤的重点。
Restoration of the mandibular continuity and cosmetically acceptable appearance continue to present challenge to the plastic surgeon 下颔骨软骨肉瘤在广泛切除之后,不论是颜面外观或是功能上的改善都是整形外科极具挑战性的工作。
颔: chin骨: bone颔;颔骨: jaw颔龙河口: cua ham luong颔版: tile edging颔龙门: cua ham luong; ham luong cua颔毛: moustache1 whisker similar hairy growth on an animal or plant颔,颚: jaw颔式破碎机: jaw breaker颔: [书面语]Ⅰ名词(下巴) chinⅡ动词(点头) nod颔式压碎机: jaw crusher颏左前位: left mentoanterior; mentum left anterior position