The results showed that decentralization of the superior cervical ganglia enhanced the cerebral blood flow , whereas ganglionectomy reduced the cerebral blood flow 本实验结果发现上颈神经节节前纤维切断后会增加脑皮层血流,而上颈神经节节后纤维切断后则减少脑皮层血流。
The data suggest that decentralization of the superior cervical ganglia attenuates formation or development of heat stroke by promoting an increase in cerebral blood flow in rabbits 由本结果推论:上颈神经节节前纤维被切断后,可能因增进脑皮层血流而得以抑低热中暑形成。
The effects of preganglionic decentralization of ( sympathetic trunk resection ) or post - ganglionic excision ( ganglionectomy ) of the superior cervical ganglia on cerebral blood flow and the formation of heat stroke were assessed in rabbits 摘要本文旨在探讨上颈神经节节前或节后神经切断对于白兔脑皮层血流与热中暑形成之影响。