领: neck内科: internal medicine; departmen ...开业: start business; open for bus ...证书: certificate; credentials内科学硕士,领内科开业证书者: lic med有内外科开业证书的医生: licentiate in medicine and surgery领有内外科医师学会开业证书者: licentiate of the college of physicians and surgeons; licentiate of the faculty of physicians and surgeons开业证书, 执照: practising certificate产科开业证持有人: licentiate of the art of obstetrics有皇家内科医师学会开业证书的助产士: licentiate in midwifery of the royal college of physicians临床开业证书: certificate of clinical competence皇家内科医师学会助产士开业证书持有者: licentiate in midwifery of the royal college of physicians领有开业证书的人: licentiate有开业证书的医生: l med产科学硕士,产科开业证持有人: licentiate of the art of obstetrics有开业证书的访视护士: licensed visiting nurse有开业证书的牙科医生: licentiate in dental science有开业证书的牙外科医生: licentiate in dental surgery有资格开业的医师,有开业证书的医生: l med通科开业医生: general practioners牙科开业医师: dental practitioner牙科学硕士,有开业证书的牙科医生: licentiate in dental science牙外科硕士,有开业证书的牙外科医生: lds; licentiate in dental surgery有开业证书的职业护士,有照职业护士: licensed vocational nurse妇产科开业护士: ob-gyn np; obstetric-gynecologic nurse-practitioner