颅骨: harnpan; skull折: roll over; turn over凹陷颅骨折: depressed skull fracture颅骨骨折: fracturc of skull; fracture of skull颅骨折,裂开: effracture头颅骨折: fracture cf skull; skull fracture颅骨凹陷骨折: depressed cranial fracture颅骨分离骨折: diastatic fracture of skull颅骨粉碎骨折: comminured fracture of skull颅骨骨折内陷: enthlasis颅骨线形骨折: lineal fracture of skull颅骨线状骨折: linear skull fracture颅骨穹窿骨折: fracture of vault of skull线形颅骨骨折: linear fracture of skull凹陷性颅骨骨折: depressed fracture of skull多发性颅骨骨折: multiple fractures of skull粉碎性颅骨骨折: comminuted fracture of skull开放性颅骨骨折: compoud fracture of skull; open fracture of skull颅骨骨折复位术: reduction of fracture of skull颅骨骨折掀起术: elevation of skull fracture颅骨骨折由于产伤: fracture of skull as birth trauma颅骨生长性骨折: growing fracture of skull生长性颅骨骨折,扩大性颅骨骨折: enlarging skull fracture儿童颅骨生长性骨折: growing skull fracture of childhood颅骨凹陷骨折切除术: excision of depressed cranial fracture