预防: prevent; take precautions ag ...药: medicine; drug; remedy化学预防药: chemoprophylactic drug病因性预防药: causal prophylactics临床性预防药: clinical prophylactics预防药物处方: prescription of prophylactic drug防腐的;防腐剂;预防药: preservatives是一种龋齿预防药: dental caries preventive糙皮病预防法,糙皮病预防药: pellagra preventive国际预防药物滥用研究所: international institute for the prevention of drug abuse全球青年预防药物滥用网: global youth network for the prevention of drug abuse预防: prevent; take precautions against; guard against 贯彻以预防为主的医疗方针 carry out the policy of putting prevention first in medical work; 采取特殊的预防措施 take special precautions; 预防疾病蔓延 prevent a disease from spreading; 欧洲人吃瓜作为预防晕船的方法。 europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness.; 预防措施 precautionary measure; preventive measures; prophylactic measures; 预防犯罪 anticrime; 预防疾病 prevent disease预防措施;预防剂;预防的: preventiveph0预防: rh0 prevention癌预防: cancerous precaution避免,预防: avoid超预防: ultraprophylaxis防护,预防: precaution可预防: preventable潜预防: potential prevention提防, 预防: guard against预防,防备: precaution; preference for sth; preferenceforsth预防,防止: prevent from; prevent...from预防的: apotropaic; precautionary; preclusive; preventative; preventive; prophylactic; synteretic预防法: preservative; preventative measure; prevention; preventive treatment; prophylactic treatment; prophylaxis