This paper applicates the mathematical programming and presents the model of containership optimization , and develops computer procedure of containership prestowage . it discusses the principle and implementation method of the optimize model , including following : the process of containership stowage ; introducing of the blocks ; a strategic planning process and a tactical planning process of containership prestowage ; computing principle and method of buoyancy , stability and strengh , besides checking principle of them 本文引入数学规划的方法,建立了集装箱船预配的优化数学模型,开发了集装箱船预配计算程序。文章详细介绍了该优化模型的原理和实现方法,主要内容包括:集装箱船的配载过程,装载单元块的提出和划分,集装箱船战略配载和战术配载,船舶性能计算与校核。