预赛: preliminary contest; prelimi ...分组: divide into groups团体追逐赛分预赛: preliminaries自选动作预赛分数: preliminary routines score分组预赛: heat; preliminary group competition; preliminary groups; preliminary round预赛: [体育] preliminary contest; preliminary heats; preliminary; trial match 他轻松地通过了跳高预赛。 he has easily won the preliminary contest for the high jump比赛分: match point竞赛,预赛: heat分组: 1.divide into groups 按能力分组 be grouped according to ability; 分组讨论 discuss in groups; group discussion; 分组学习 study in groups2.grouping; subgroup; block sort; curtate 比赛分类: tournament sorting国际比赛分: imp; international match points精英预赛: master semifinals排位预赛: pre-qualifying全运会预赛: qualification contest for the national games拳击预赛: preliminary跳水预赛: preliminary dive小组预赛: group preliminaries在预赛中获胜: take the heat自选动作预赛: preliminary routines比赛分制的防守: match-point defense国际比赛分记分法: imp scoring国际比赛分战术: imp tactics预赛中成绩最佳者: medallistccf分组: ccf grourh分组: r.f.t. classes