

发音:   用"预布局"造句
  • floor planning
  • :    in advance; beforehand
  • 布局:    overall arrangement; layout; ...
  • 预布线:    prewiring
  • 预布线电缆:    pre wiring cable
  • 布局:    1.(全面安排) overall arrangement; layout; geographical layout; distribution; geographical distribution 国民经济的布局 layout of national economy; 工业的合理布局 rational distribution of industry; 布局新奇。 the plot is novel. 这张图展示了工厂的布局。 this map shows the layout of the plant. 我市的学校[教育] 布局受到了批评。 the distribution of schools in our city has been criticized. 我们一定要建成布局合理、相互配套的科研体系。 we are determined to set up a complete, rationally distributed scientific and technological research system.2.(指绘画、作文等) composition 这幅画色彩鲜明, 但布局蹩脚。 this painting has vivid colours but poor composition.3.(围棋、象棋术语) position (象棋中亦称“开局”); 布局规则 placement rule; placement policy; 布局技术 topology; 布局设备 mapping device; 布局问题 location problem


  1. Delay and power calculation standards - pre - layout delay calculation specification for cmos asic libraries
    延迟计算和功率计算标准. cmos集成电路子程序库.预布局延迟计算规范


        :    in advance; beforehand
        布局:    overall arrangement; layout; ...
        预布线:    prewiring
        预布线电缆:    pre wiring cable
        布局:    1.(全面安排) overall arrangement; layout; geographical layout; distribution; geographical distribution 国民经济的布局 layout of national economy; 工业的合理布局 rational distribution of industry; 布局新奇。 the plot is novel. 这张图展示了工厂的布局。 this map shows the layout of the plant. 我市的学校[教育] 布局受到了批评。 the distribution of schools in our city has been criticized. 我们一定要建成布局合理、相互配套的科研体系。 we are determined to set up a complete, rationally distributed scientific and technological research system.2.(指绘画、作文等) composition 这幅画色彩鲜明, 但布局蹩脚。 this painting has vivid colours but poor composition.3.(围棋、象棋术语) position (象棋中亦称“开局”); 布局规则 placement rule; placement policy; 布局技术 topology; 布局设备 mapping device; 布局问题 location problem
        dvd布局:    dvd layout
        布局 (围棋):    fuseki
        布局,安排:    layout
        布局,设置:    lay out
        布局;置放:    placement
        布局图:    layout chart; map
        陈列,布局:    lay out
        簇布局:    cluster placement
        存布局:    saved layouts
        点布局:    dot placement
        辑布局:    edit layouts
        流布局:    flowlayout
        命布局:    double deception
        设计,布局:    lay out
        演出(布局):    staging
        罪布局:    crodistribution; crop distribution
        html布局档案:    html layout files
        html布局文件:    html layout files
        t形尾翼布局:    t tail configuration; t-tail configuration; t-tail layout
        u字型布局:    u shape set up; u-shape set-up


  1. "预并条"英文
  2. "预拨资金"英文
  3. "预卜"英文
  4. "预卜吉凶"英文
  5. "预补偿"英文
  6. "预布线"英文
  7. "预布线电缆"英文
  8. "预步估计"英文
  9. "预步签定"英文
  10. "预裁片料热成型"英文


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