预售: open to booking; advance boo ...售卖: sell楼: a storied building花: flower; blossom; bloom售卖楼花: forward sale of flats; pre-sale of uncompleted flats预售楼花: pre-sale of uncompleted flats预售楼宇: forward sale of flats; pre-sale of flats预售楼宇同意书: pre-sale consent买卖楼花: pre-completiontransactionpremises; transaction of uncompleted flats楼花预售: pre-sale of uncompleted flats买卖楼宇条件章程: conditions of sale and purchase出售楼宇所得利益;售楼收益: sale proceeds买卖楼宇条件及章则: terms and conditions for the sale and purchase of flats楼花;未建成的楼宇单位: uncompleted flat楼花: property under construction; uncompleted flat预售: open to booking; advance booking 预售车票 tickets open to booking; 所有的票将在3天前预售。 all bookings will be made 3 days in advance楼宇: block; interbuilding backbone; interwinding backbone; premises楼花;期房: property under construction售楼处: sales offfice; sales office售楼书: brochure预售量: scheduled sales quantity预售票: pre-sale of ticket售卖机: vending machine售卖令: order for sale售卖权: power of sale