

  • preplanned search


        预告:    announce in advance; herald
        计划:    plan; project; programme; de ...
        搜索:    search for; ferret about; hu ...
        预先计划搜索:    preplanned search
        广告计划:    advertising planing
        媒体广告计划:    media planning
        广告计划案的架构:    rar
        广告计划的编拟要点:    rar
        世界牲畜疾病报告计划:    world livestock disease reporting scheme
        行销与广告计划编拟指南:    rar
        预告:    1.(事先通告) announce in advance; herald 预告春天的到来 herald the coming of spring; 预告明天有雨 predict rain for tomorrow; 据预告, 该书正在编写中。 the book was announced in preparation.2.(事先的通告) advance notice 新书预告 notice on forthcoming books; books in preparation
        相互承认医药产品评价报告计划:    scheme for mutual recognition of evaluation reports on pharmaceutical products
        搜索:    1.(仔细寻找) search for; ferret about; hunt for; scout around 在山上搜索失事飞机 comb the hills for the crashed plane; 搜索前进 advance and reconnoitre; 四处搜索 search everywhere for2.[电子学] hunting; scan; [控] indexing; [工业] search; scout; reconnaissance; acquisition; 搜索队 search; 搜索范围 search range; hunting zone; 搜索方向 direction of search; 搜索飞机 search plane; 搜索激光器 acquisition laser; 搜索技术 search technique; 搜索接收机 scanning receiver; sweeping receiver; search receiver; 搜索距离 detection range; indication range; scouting distance; scouting interval; 搜索空间 searched volume; 搜索雷达 search radar; spotter; 搜索雷达站 search radar station; radio search system; 搜索区 field of search; 搜索设备 search equipment; 搜索声纳 search sonar; 搜索速度 search speed; search rate; 搜索天线 search antenna; searchlighting antenna; 搜索线 scouting line
        警报,预告:    warn
        警告;预告:    warn
        通知;预告:    give notice
        预告,事先:    in advance (before in time); in advance(before in time)
        预告标:    warning signs for approaching a station
        预告的:    premonitory
        预告片:    prevue; trailer;preview; trailor
        预告者:    predictor; premonitor
        预言,预告:    predicted
        国际卫星辅助搜索救援计划:    international satellite-aided search and rescue program
        洛维尔天文台近地天体搜索计划:    loneos
        【铁路】 预告信号。:    distant signal


  1. "预告的通知要求停止行动的警告"英文
  2. "预告电话"英文
  3. "预告定义的数据类型"英文
  4. "预告方向箭头"英文
  5. "预告婚事"英文
  6. "预告接近示象"英文
  7. "预告警铃系统"英文
  8. "预告脉冲"英文
  9. "预告明天有雨"英文
  10. "预告目录"英文


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