

  • don
  • :    pause; halt; stop
  • 河山:    rivers and mountains; land; ...
  • :    sheep
  • 河山:    rivers and mountains; land; territory 锦绣河山 a land of enchanting beauty; 祖国河山美丽如画。 our native land is as pretty as a picture
  • 顿河:    the don river (源出中俄罗斯丘陵)


        :    pause; halt; stop
        河山:    rivers and mountains; land; ...
        :    sheep
        河山:    rivers and mountains; land; territory 锦绣河山 a land of enchanting beauty; 祖国河山美丽如画。 our native land is as pretty as a picture
        顿河:    the don river (源出中俄罗斯丘陵)
        河山平:    ha son binh
        迷河山:    lost river range
        象河山:    olifantsrivierberge
        山羊:    1.(羊的一种) goat 公山羊 he-goat; 母山羊 she-goat; 小山羊 kid2.[体育] buck; 山羊草 goatweed; 山羊茶 nanny tea; 山羊胡子 goatee; 山羊皮 goat skin; 山羊绒 cashmere; pashm; pashmina; pashim; pushmina; 山羊肉 chevon
        比顿河:    beatton river
        达顿河:    dutton river; dutton, r
        蒂顿河:    teton river
        顿河马:    don
        霍顿河:    horton r; horton, r; houghton river
        潘顿河:    panton river; panton, r
        庞顿河:    ponton, cr
        桑顿河:    thornton river
        寸寸河山:    every inch of territory
        大好河山:    beautiful rivers and mountains of a country; one's beloved motherland
        古斯河山:    goose cr. mts
        河山带砺:    (比喻时间久长, 任何动荡也决不变心) an everlasting country with strong boundaries; an oath of everlasting fealty; even the huanghe river becomes as thin as a stripe and mount taishan becomes as small as a grindstone.; endure the test of time, not change mind under any upheaval
        河山平省:    ha son binh tinh; tinh ha son binh
        还我河山:    restore our lost territories!; return us our country; let's restore our lost land
        极目河山:    hills and rivers that can be seen by the eyes
        锦绣河山:    the beautiful rivers and mountains; a land of charm and beauty; the beautiful landscape; the beautiful land [country]; the lovely land


  1. "顿河航空公司"英文
  2. "顿河马"英文
  3. "顿河畔卡拉奇"英文
  4. "顿河畔卡奇"英文
  5. "顿河畔罗斯托夫"英文
  6. "顿河羊毛"英文
  7. "顿呼"英文
  8. "顿基金会"英文
  9. "顿机"英文
  10. "顿级"英文


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