

发音:   用"顽钝无耻"造句
  • dull and shameless
  • 顽钝:    dull and obtuse; stupid; thi ...
  • 无耻:    shameless; brazen; impudent
  • 顽钝:    dull and obtuse; stupid; thickheaded; having no integrity; blunt
  • 无耻:    shameless; brazen; impudent 无耻之徒 a person who has lost all sense of shame; a shameless person; 无耻的背叛 a shameless betrayal; 无耻谎言 brazen lies; 竟然无耻到歪曲事实 be impudent enough to pervert the truth
  • 无耻的:    abandoned; abject; blushless; cheeky; confident; infamous; jumped-up; presuming


        顽钝:    dull and obtuse; stupid; thi ...
        无耻:    shameless; brazen; impudent
        顽钝:    dull and obtuse; stupid; thickheaded; having no integrity; blunt
        无耻:    shameless; brazen; impudent 无耻之徒 a person who has lost all sense of shame; a shameless person; 无耻的背叛 a shameless betrayal; 无耻谎言 brazen lies; 竟然无耻到歪曲事实 be impudent enough to pervert the truth
        无耻的:    abandoned; abject; blushless; cheeky; confident; infamous; jumped-up; presuming
        无耻地:    audaciously
        卑鄙无耻:    mean and having no sense of shame
        大胆的,无耻的:    bold
        厚脸无耻的:    unashamed
        厚颜无耻:    have no shame; be lost [dead] to shame; be past shame; be quite without shame; brass-visaged; brazen (as) bold as brass; brazen-faced; have a nerve; have the front [gall; hide] to do sth.; impudent; shameless (beyond description); too impudent and shameless
        厚颜无耻的:    as bold as brass; boldfaced; braze lt gt; unverschmt
        老而无耻:    be old and shameless
        你太无耻了:    shame on you
        无耻大法:    arc
        无耻的背叛:    a shameless betrayal
        无耻的谎言:    a barefaced lie
        无耻的傀儡:    shameless creature
        无耻的人:    wretch
        无耻的性欲:    cheeky secrets
        无耻勾当:    shameless practices [intrigues; designs]
        无耻谎言:    brazen lies
        无耻混蛋:    inglorious bastards
        无耻谰言:    shameless babblings; a lie too brazen for words; a shameless [brazen] slander [lie]
        无耻透顶:    be lost to [have lost] all sense of shame; brazen to the extreme; the height of shamelessness [impudence]
        无耻行径:    shameless conduct


  1. "顽磁性"英文
  2. "顽磁性铁磁材料"英文
  3. "顽敌"英文
  4. "顽逗迟到了"英文
  5. "顽钝"英文
  6. "顽而不固"英文
  7. "顽梗"英文
  8. "顽梗不化"英文
  9. "顽梗的"英文
  10. "顽固"英文


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