鬃: hair on the neck of a horse, ...顶纵桁板: top stringer plate顶子囊芽胞形成: acrothecal sporulation顶足径: vertico-podalic diameter顶子句: top clause顶钻: crown drill顶子: 1.(亭子、塔等顶上的装饰部分) decorations on top of a bridge, tower, etc.2.(房顶) roof3.(顶珠) decorative pearl on top of an official cap(in the qing dynasty)顶嘴: (多指对尊长争辩) reply defiantly; answer back; talk back; back talk; bicker 不许你顶嘴 ! none of your lip! 你妈妈责备你时, 你不应该顶嘴。 when your mother scolds you, you shouldn't answer (her) back. 他因为和教师顶嘴受到了处分。 he was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher顶着烈日走路: walk in a boiling sun顶嘴, 反驳: talk back顶着风,我又向家走去: against the wind i'm going home again